Brand : Sidmool
Personal project : Brand renewal
백소현 (브랜딩, 제품 디자인, 패키지 디자인)
Dec 2024

Queensense perfume keyring hand cream
product&sticker design
초저가 채널 타겟, 마몽드 서브 브랜드 <미모 바이 마몽드> 브랜드 디자인 런칭 스토리
24년 9월. 마몽드는 초저가 소비 채널 <다이소> 타겟으로 스킨케어 고민을 시작하는 10대 초중반 소비자 부터 30대 초반까지, 트렌드를 이끄는 잘파 (Z+알파)세대 소비자 층을 집중 공략하고, 브랜드 체험 기회를 확대하고자 마몽드 서브 브랜드 <미모 바이 마몽드>를 런칭하게 되었습니다.
미모 바이 마몽드 프로젝트는 유관부서 담당자들의 매주 목요일 10시 정기 미팅, 적극적인 현업 팔로업의 결과로, 3월 킥오프 시작으로 9월 런칭 까지 6개월만에 총 10개의 신제품을 런칭하게 되었습니다. 본 글에서 유관부서들의 적극적인 협업으로 완성해갔던 브랜드 런칭 과정을 담고자 합니다.
This article has been translated by an AI.
In September 24, MAMONDE launched the MAMONDE sub-brand <MIMO by MAMONDE> to focus on the trend-leading Zalpa (Z+alpha) generation consumer base from teenagers who start to worry about skin care with the target of the ultra-low-cost consumption channel Daiso to those in their early and mid-30s, and to expand opportunities for brand experience.
As a result of regular meetings of people in charge of related departments at 10 p.m. every Thursday and active field follow-ups, the <mimo by MAMONDE> project has launched a total of 10 new products in 6 months from kickoff in March to launch in September. In this article, I would like to capture the brand launch process that was completed through active collaboration with related departments.
In September 24, MAMONDE launched the MAMONDE sub-brand <MIMO by MAMONDE> to focus on the trend-leading Zalpa (Z+alpha) generation consumer base from teenagers who start to worry about skin care with the target of the ultra-low-cost consumption channel Daiso to those in their early and mid-30s, and to expand opportunities for brand experience.
As a result of regular meetings of people in charge of related departments at 10 p.m. every Thursday and active field follow-ups, the <mimo by MAMONDE> project has launched a total of 10 new products in 6 months from kickoff in March to launch in September. In this article, I would like to capture the brand launch process that was completed through active collaboration with related departments.